The maintenance and upkeep of any building is not a simple or inexpensive undertaking. Budgets can be tight and costs need to be controlled. EPI Fire Protection Inc. strives to help ensure that every dollar in your life safety budget is well spent.
Reducing unnecessary costs is something within every property or facility manager’s control that helps to ensure that every dollar in their life safety budget is put towards what matters the most: Ensuring the life safety systems of a building are in working order, protecting people and property at all times.
EPI moves beyond the client-vendor paradigm by partnering with clients in an advisory role. One of the main value-added initiatives that EPI offers its customers is conducting training sessions for all facility maintenance personnel on-site. A senior technician or management representative will go over what site personnel need to know about their building’s life safety systems.
This on-site training session results in the sharp reduction of placing unnecessary and potentially expensive service requests, empowering maintenance staff to complete important functions on their own, such as:
- Conducting weekly fire pump testing;
- Resetting fire panels when appropriate;
- Filling out the log book properly;
- Determining when an issue on the system is urgent or if it can be attended to the next day
Educating, engaging and putting site personnel to work on life safety system maintenance pays dividends in the long run.
Providing training to your team members on-site is an important tool that EPI uses to help customers maintain their building’s life safety systems in the most cost-effective and collaborative way possible.