Lockdown in Ontario?? Not for EPI technicians! Their essential work must go on.
Despite taking all possible precautions, such as daily screening and wearing extensive protective gear, EPI technicians are continuing the inspecting, repairing and overall upkeep of life safety systems day-in and day-out. COVID-19 is not concerned if a fire alarm or sprinkler system needs to be repaired.
Life safety systems are required to be maintained at all times in order to prevent property damage and loss of life. Whether it is through testing or responding to on-demand emergency service requests such as repairing a leak in part of a sprinkler system, or replacing a damaged manual station, this work cannot cease.
EPI customers take comfort knowing that licensed, experienced technicians are just one call away ready to be deployed to tackle whatever issue arises. Having a competent, responsive service provider is an essential tool to ensure the protection of a building’s life safety systems.
Whether it is a stay at home order, grey zone, red zone, or business-as-usual, EPI Fire Protection’s team of experienced, licensed CFAA Fire Alarm Technicians and Red Seal Sprinkler Fitters put themselves in harm’s way so that everyone else stays safe.