24/7/365 Service

24/7/365 Service

EPI Fire Protection & Security Inc. has a team of registered and experienced CFAA Fire Alarm Technicians & Sprinkler Fitters, ready to respond 24/7/365 to any emergency on any type and size of Fire Alarm and Sprinkler System. Whether it’s a leak on a Sprinkler System or trouble on a Fire panel, EPI guarantees a swift response throughout the Greater Toronto Area every time.  #ServiceDepartment #QuickResponse #GreatFleet #Reliable #Dependable #EveryTime
Fire Alarm Technician BBQ

Fire Alarm Technician BBQ

Another great EPI Fire Protection & Security Inc. team BBQ... this time with our Fire Alarm Technicians and Office Staff! #TeamBBQ #TeamAppreciation #FireProtection #EPIFireProtection


The EPI U Year 2 Orientation Day was a huge success!  This years group of EPI U Students from both Seneca College Fire Protection and Humber College are now out in the field learning how its done from our experienced CFAA Fire Alarm Technicians. We are so excited to have them here and we can't wait to see what they can do! #epiu #year2 #herewego #learning #summerjobs #fireprotection #epifireprotection
Our second year of EPI U!

Our second year of EPI U!

Last year we started a program called EPI U, inviting college students from Seneca College Fire Protection for a summer of learning new skills and gaining hands-on experience in the field. We are excited to announce that after such a successful program, we will be starting our second year of EPI U this summer, where we will have students from both Seneca College and Humber College! Stay tuned for more information about the launch of EPI U, year 2. Our mission is to provide a rewarding summer experience for college students in the fire protection industry. #workexperience #summerjobs #learning #senecacollege #humbercollege #summerprogram 


Spring is HERE! That means it is time to get your dry sprinkler systems inspected.  Testing a dry fire sprinkler system in the winter can be problematic because the system cannot adequately discharge water due to the cold temperatures. If the temperature is below freezing, the water inside the system can freeze and cause the pipes to expand and potentially burst, leading to damage to the system and property.  This is why it is strongly recommended to test dry sprinkler systems when the temperatures are warmer and there is less risk of freezing! #sprinklersystems #testing #themoreyouknow #epifireprotection
Seneca Fire Career Fair 2023

Seneca Fire Career Fair 2023

EPI Fire Protection & Security Inc. had the opportunity to attend the Seneca College Fire Protection Career Fair today, where we were able to discuss the different career paths available in the Fire Protection Industry. We had a great time connecting with the future leaders of the Fire Protection Industry! #fireprotection #careerfair #senecacollege #epifireprotection #MySenecaFire #SFPET2023


Thank you to the Emery Village Voice for featuring us in your paper and helping highlight the growth opportunities in the fire protection industry! #growingindustry #fireprotection #epifireprotection #emeryvillagevoice
TDSB Pathway Fair 2023

TDSB Pathway Fair 2023

EPI Fire Protection & Security Inc. attended the Toronto District School Board Pathway Fair last week at Westview Centennial Secondary School. Our staff spoke with students about the variety of great jobs that are in high demand in the fire protection industry! #pathways #buildingthefuture #tdsb #fireprotection #epifireprotection #westviewcentennial
2023 Annual Inspections

2023 Annual Inspections

Have you scheduled your 2023 Annual Inspection yet? #dontdelay #lifesafetysystems #2023annualinspections #epifireprotection


Did you know that EPI Fire Protection & Security Inc. does Smoke Control Equipment Testing? What is a Smoke Control System? It is a mechanical structure that controls the movement of smoke in the event of a fire. A properly functioning Smoke Control System is a vital component of any Life Safety System. #safety #testing #smokecontro l#epifireprotection
Our New Office!

Our New Office!

Before we recently moved into our bigger and better office space, a few small renovations were needed. Have a look for yourself... #beforeandafter #newoffice #epifireprotection #fireprotection #herewegrowagain
preparing sprinkler systems for winter

preparing sprinkler systems for winter

With the snow on the ground and the weather getting colder, it is important to know that freezing temperatures can damage your sprinkler systems and cause flooding! Make sure to get your sprinkler systems winterized to avoid bursting pipes. #winterizesprinklers #epifireprotection #fireprotection
epi staff bbq 2022

epi staff bbq 2022

Another great EPI Fire Protection & Security Inc. staff event in the books! #speducciathon #BBQ #fireprotection #bestplacetowork #beforeitgetstoocold
test your smoke alarms!

test your smoke alarms!

Setting back your clocks this week is a great reminder to test all the smoke alarms in your home to make sure they are operational, and to change any batteries that need changing. If there is a fire in your home, smoke spreads fast and smoke alarms allow for time to get out. You need a smoke alarm on every level of your home! Investigations into home fire deaths very often find that a smoke alarm did not sound. It may have been disconnected or not in working order. The batteries may have been dead, or someone may have taken them out. Many fatal fires start at night, and smoke alone won't necessarily wake you up. In fact, the fumes could put you into an even deeper sleep. Often, victims never wake up. Only a working smoke alarm can save your life. Don't delay, check all your smoke alarms today! #checkyourbatteries #safetytips #daylightsavings #epifireprotection
women of EPI

women of EPI

Here are just a few of our AMAZING team of women here at EPI Fire Protection & Security Inc. EPI is proud to have added so many talented women to its field and office teams over the past few years. The number of women employed at EPI Fire Protection and in all positions throughout the fire protection industry continues to grow.  #womenofEPI #epifireprotection #fireprotection
rooftop meeting!

rooftop meeting!

EPI Fire Protection & Security Inc. celebrated moving into a new office by taking a recent staff meeting to new heights! (Pun intended). Not everyone likes heights though, with many choosing to attend the meeting from their desks. #welcometotheneighborhood #rooftopmeeting #acrophobia #EPIFireProtection #fireprotection
we test sprinkler systems

we test sprinkler systems

EPI Fire Protection & Security Inc. provides inspection, testing, and maintenance for Sprinkler Systems, Hydrants, and specialty systems! #testing #maintenance #sprinklersystems #epifireprotection #fireprotection #lifesafety
fire prevention week

fire prevention week

October 9th-15th is #FirePreventionWeek, a campaign that has provided education on fire safety for 100 years.  Fire Prevention Week is focused on bringing awareness to home fires. Everyone is encouraged to educate themselves on fire safety and complete a fire safety inspection of their homes. Here are some important tips for everyone during Fire Prevention Week:- Check smoke detectors batteries and Carbon Dioxide detectors- Make sure you have at least 2 ways to exit your home- Never leave an open flame unattended #firepreventionweek #firepreventionstartswithyou #firesafety #epifireprotection #fireprotection


After 25 years EPI Fire Protection & Security Inc. is saying goodbye to 800 Arrow Road this week. Our new and improved office will give us more space to provide quality service to our customers from! #moving #newneighborhood #newneighbors #upwardsandonwards #fireprotection


After over 20 years at 800 Arrow Road, EPI Fire Protection & Security Inc. is moving! Our new location will give us the space we need to grow and to better serve our customers! Stay tuned... #epifireprotection #fireprotection #levelingup #officereveal
Our EPI U Program

Our EPI U Program

Congratulations to the first graduating class of EPI U! EPI U was launched this year to provide the best summer work experience possible to Seneca students from the Seneca College Fire ProtectionEngineering Technology program.  This first-years class was a cohort of 7 students who excelled in both field and office work, quickly becoming an important part of our team. As our first year of this new summer program comes to a close, we thank this year's students and wish them well as they return to classes. We hope to see them all back here when they graduate, along with a new group of students to make up our second EPI U Summer program in May 2023. Understanding the importance of investing in the development of future stars in the life safety industry is why we launched EPI U. #epifireprotection #fireprotection #investinginthefuture #students


The 5th Annual EPI Fire Protection & Security Inc. Family BBQ was a huge success! Thank you to everyone that came out for a great day of food and fun in the sun.  #epifireprotection#fireprotection#greatemployeesdeservegreatbbq
Don’t settle for less!

Don’t settle for less!

Don't settle for less! EPI Fire Protection Inc. provides quality 24/7 service at competitive pricing.  #quality #fireprotection #epifireprotection #lifesafety https://youtu.be/4ZdB_fPpGA4
Seneca Summer Students

Seneca Summer Students

We are proud to welcome 6 students from Seneca College Fire Protection program to work at EPI Fire Protection & Security Inc. this summer!  These bright and enthusiastic summer students are the future of the Fire Protection Industry and have quickly become an important part of our field and office teams. We are thrilled to have them here! #future #students #learning #fireprotection


EPI hosted a Gaming Championship at Waves Gaming on Monday night!! Everyone came out to battle in an intense gaming tournament and show off their team spirit. Congrats to the winners of the tournament!  #staffappreciation #gaming #fireprotection
NFPA Conference & Expo

NFPA Conference & Expo

EPI Fire Protection Inc attended the NFPA Conference & Expo in Boston last week! The NFPA is the leading information and knowledge resource on fire, electrical and related hazards.  They have published over 300 consensus codes and standards to minimize the effects of fire and other risks!#firesafety #firesafetytraining #nfpa #fireconvention
What do you know about backflow (preventers)?

What do you know about backflow (preventers)?

A backflow preventer might be one of the most important parts of a Fire Sprinkler System that you have never heard of. A backflow preventer is a device that is installed on the main incoming water supply into a building that only allows flow in one direction. It ensures that water does not flow back into the public water supply! Backflows prevent potential contaminants located in sprinkler systems from flowing back into the water supply we all drink from (a buildings domestic water system.) They are crucial to ensuring that the water we consume remains free from harmful chemicals or contaminants. Backflow preventers are required to be tested annually. If the inspection fails – the necessary repairs or replacements are required to be done as soon as possible. An OWWA (Ontario Water Works Association) licensed and approved trade or equivalent license (i.e. plumber, sprinkler fitter), is required in order to service them.
EPI Is Hiring Fire Alarm Technicians!

EPI Is Hiring Fire Alarm Technicians!

Attention all Fire Alarm Technicians! EPI Fire Protection & Security is hiring!  APPLY TODAY! resume@epi-fps.ca https://youtu.be/ksy6lLRy-hY
Welcoming our seneca summer students!

Welcoming our seneca summer students!

EPI is excited to welcome a group of Seneca College Fire Protection Engineering Technology/Technician students for summer starting today! These are the future leaders of tomorrow and we are excited to have them with us. Welcome students!  #future #students #leaders
Don’t Delay, Apply Today!

Don’t Delay, Apply Today!

A Peek into Life at EPI Fire Protection Inc. Check out out latest, exciting video to see some of the best and brightest in the fire protection industry and what positions are available to you! Don’t Delay, Apply Today! https://youtu.be/NVaUZATen_o
To Do’s for Saving Money!

To Do’s for Saving Money!

Here are a few practical tips that property and facility maintenance personnel can use to help reduce expenses related to the maintenance of fire protection systems while not affecting the quality of the work being done or compliance with the relevant fire and building codes: Replace batteries in smoke alarms yourself. You can easily do this without the assistance from a fire protection service company.Train onsite staff (eg. superintendents, facility managers) on the basics of how a fire panel operates to help reduce expensive unnecessary after-hour services calls being placed.Kill two birds with one stone by arranging with your fire protection to repair deficiencies identified during an inspection on the spot where possible, reducing the need for a return visit.Shop around. If your quote seems too high, find another company to price the same work to ensure you are receiving competitive pricing.Have extinguishers due for service replaced with new or just serviced extinguishers on the spot to avoid the cost of repeat visits.
A Look at Kitchen Hood Suppression Systems

A Look at Kitchen Hood Suppression Systems

Do you own a restaurant with a commercial kitchen? Is smoke or grease laden vapours being produced during cooking operations? If the answer is yes, a Hood Suppression System is required in your kitchen. Kitchen Hood Suppression Systems are strategically designed to suppress kitchen fires in a quick and efficient manner. They consist of discharge nozzles that are located in the hood exhaust, directly above cooking appliances. Upon system activation, the hood’s nozzles release an extinguishing agent. Water is not used for extinguishing grease fires as it can potentially spread the fire and harm neighbouring bystanders. Instead, alternative agents (i.e. wet chemical) are used as they strategically extinguish the fire by smothering it, creating a blanket around the fuel, and depriving it of oxygen. Kitchen Hood Suppression Systems are required to be inspected semi-annually by a licensed technician. Through the activation and shut down of various fire protection system components, Kitchen Hood Suppression Systems effectively extinguish kitchen fires, minimize appliance and property damage, and increase life safety. It is important to ensure a kitchen is equipped with a hood suppression system and it is properly maintained.


ANNOUNCING THE WINNER OF THE 1ST ANNUAL EPI FIRE PROTECTION INC EXCELLENCE SCHOLARSHIP AWARD The transition to online learning during the past two years of living with Covid-19 has been challenging for students in Seneca College’s Fire Protection Engineering Technology program. In response, EPI Fire Protection has launched the Excellence Scholarship Award celebrating academic accomplishments and providing financial support to a fire protection student that achieved great academic success this past year. We are proud to announce that Jessica Marano is the winner of the 1st Annual EPI Fire Protection Inc Excellence Scholarship Award! Jessica is a talented, second-year student in Seneca’s Fire Protection Engineering Technology program with a bright future in the fire protection field. Congratulations Jessica!
Taking a Look at Fire Extinguishers

Taking a Look at Fire Extinguishers

If a fire breaks out, pulling a pull station will hopefully get the fire department to show up soon (if there is a functioning fire alarm system) but, a common tool that can be used to combat smaller fires more immediately is an old-fashioned Fire Extinguisher. A Fire Extinguisher is a portable fire safety device whose function is to extinguish or control small fires in the event of an emergency. There are many different types of fire extinguishers, each varying based on the classification of fire they are meant to extinguish. The five classifications of fires differ based on which materials are combusting (see table provided for more information). These fire classifications are used to differentiate between suppression methods. For example, if an extinguisher is needed to protect wooden pallets, which causes a Class A fire (ordinary combustible materials), an extinguisher rated for protecting a Class A fire would be required. The most common type is an A-B-C fire extinguisher. A-B-C extinguishers are designed to fight Class A (ordinary combustibles), Class B (flammable liquids), and Class C (electrically energized equipment) fires, all in one extinguisher. To ensure all fire extinguishers will operate effectively at the moment they are needed, these devices are required to be regularly inspected and periodically serviced. NFPA 10 requires all fire extinguishers to be inspected monthly to ensure the device has not been tampered with or damaged and that the extinguishing agent within does not settle. As well, fire extinguishers are required to receive maintenance every 6 years and a hydrostatic test every 12 years. A record of every monthly inspection, 6-year maintenance, and 12-year hydrostatic test completed shall be documented on a label and attached to each completed fire extinguisher. A fire extinguisher might be the only chance at putting out a fire before it has a chance to spread, which is why ensuring they are present and working...

Conventional vs. Addressable Fire Alarm Systems

Fire Alarm Systems are connected to a network of field devices whose primary function is alerting building occupants and the fire department of a fire situation upon detection. There are two main types of fire alarm systems: Conventional and Addressable. These systems have a distinct method of communication with field devices. Conventional systems use hardwired-base connections with each device through circuit zoning. A conventional panel monitors each circuit’s electrical current to detect the operation of a fire alarm device. Once identified, the panel signals output devices to activate, alerting building occupants of the detected fire situation. Only the approximate area of a fire alarm device that is triggered is identified with a conventional system (e.g. 3rd floor south). Since the Conventional system was the first fire alarm system to be created, it uses older technology and costs more to install. In time came the newer, more technologically advanced system, the Addressable fire alarm system. Addressable systems do not have separate circuits for each zone, but instead have one circuit that connects all field devices. Each device is in constant communication with the panel through the continuous exchange of status messages. When a device is activated, a ‘message’ is sent to the control panel articulating its status and location. Addressable systems are considered to be more intelligent as they are less-likely to cause false alarms and can obtain device information from their panel that a conventional system cannot, such as a smoke detector’s sensitivity reading or a device’s exact location (e.g. manual station at 3rd floor west staircase). Since addressable systems are more intelligent, they are more expensive to purchase, yet more cost-efficient in the long run due to the minimization of false-alarm occurrences.
A Peek into Fire Sprinkler System Design

A Peek into Fire Sprinkler System Design

Have you ever wondered how the vital life safety systems that surround us everyday were designed? Fire Sprinkler Systems require skilled professionals to meticulously craft a sprinkler system to its environment and provide the highest level of life safety. Here is a peek into how these professionals conduct this work every day. To commence the design process, Fire Sprinkler System Designers must obtain digital architectural and mechanical drawings of the prospective building.  Through communication with the client and examination of obtained building plans, a designer gathers information that is vital for the formulation of a sprinkler system layout. Numerous environmental factors, such as the building’s hazard classification, the quantity of combustible contents within, and the manner in which contents are being stored, must then be considered. Following the requirements of NFPA 13, the Ontario Building Code, and other codes and standards, the designer composes a fire sprinkler system layout using specialized programs including AutoCAD and HydraCAD. Once a system layout has been strategically formulated, fire hydrants adjacent to the new building must have a Water Flow Test performed on them to examine if sufficient water pressure and flow rate will be supplied to the system. A designer determines if this water supply will satisfy the system demand by testing if water being delivered to the most remote area of the building has adequate pressure and flow. This will ensure that sprinkler heads in any location of the building, no matter the distance from the source, will receive sufficient water pressure and flow to function optimally. Once the final sprinkler system layout has been constructed and all checks are made, the design must receive approval from the city plan examiner before the construction can begin. Working in collaboration with architects and subcontractors, fire sprinkler system designers formulate the most cost effective solution for...
Wet vs. Dry Sprinkler Systems

Wet vs. Dry Sprinkler Systems

Wet vs. Dry Sprinkler Systems – what is the difference? The most common types of sprinkler systems are Wet and Dry systems. A Wet Sprinkler System involves pipes that are filled with water, hence the given title ‘Wet.’ During a fire situation, fire sprinklers activate at a certain temperature and water is instantly released through the sprinkler heads from these pipes. Wet sprinkler systems much more common than dry sprinkler systems. They are easier and cheaper to install and maintain as well. A Dry Sprinkler System is essentially the opposite of a wet system as the pipes are not filled with any water and instead contain pressurized air or nitrogen. This pressure controls the release of water that is located beyond a release valve. Dry sprinkler systems are used in environments exposed to sub-zero temperatures, such as parking garages or walk-in refrigerator. In these cold environments, water in pipes would freeze, damaging the pipes and therefore interfering with the sprinkler systems ability to function when needed. Dry systems pipes do not contain water. Dry sprinkler systems are often more difficult, and costly to maintain due to their complex design settings.
Fire Hydrant Winterization

Fire Hydrant Winterization

Another Canadian Winter has arrived. ⁠⁠As temperatures continue to regularly fall below zero, it is a good time to remind property and facility maintenance personnel that Fire Hydrants require maintenance done to ensure their integrity and performance capabilities are preserved. ⁠⁠This process is referred to as 'Hydrant Winterization.' In preparation for winter, hydrants are winterized by draining any existing water within their barrel. Water located above the frost line can freeze when subject to cold temperatures, which can cause damage to the barrel and affect a hydrant’s overall performance. ⁠⁠Have you winterized your fire hydrant yet?


2022 has gotten off to a tragic start for residents of New York City and Philadelphia where apartment buildings fires that broke out were responsible for the deaths of 19 and 12 people respectively, many of whom were children. Regardless of how these fires started – in these cases one was started by a faulty space heater and the other by a child lighting a Christmas tree, the harsh reality was that the loss of life and property was preventable. These fires are a stark reminder of the importance of properly functioning life safety systems. This is unfortunately not the first time nor will it be the last that the absence of a sprinkler system and/or lack of knowledge of what to do in a fire has had life and death consequences. Did you know a single sprinkler head puts out approximately 99% of fires? As well, most condominium doors and walls are fire-rated, meaning they have material within them that is designed to contain a fire for a certain length of time. If you have to leave your unit due to a fire - close the door behind you! This will prevent the fire and smoke from spreading to the hallway and other units for as long as possible (even too much smoke in the hallway will prevent other residents from safely leaving the building). Disasters like these remind us of the importance of fire protection systems in our communities. Our hearts go out to all the victims and their families. This is another stark reminder of the real consequences of properly functioning life safety systems.
Thank You for Making #EPITurns30 Possible!

Thank You for Making #EPITurns30 Possible!

On behalf of the team at EPI Fire Protection Inc., we want to thank all of our customers, employees and partners for the amazing support over the past 30 years, making #EPITurns30 possible. We are committed to continuing to provide high quality life safety systems maintenance and installation services in our communities for the next 30 years and beyond!
Fire Prevention Week: Keep Your Family Safe

Fire Prevention Week: Keep Your Family Safe

This week is Fire Prevention Week! EPI wants to take this chance to remind you that fire prevention is a team effort and it starts with you. Sleep with peace of mind by making sure to check the smoke alarm batteries in your home and office so that you can keep your family and work colleagues safe. Remember to: ✔️ Install them on every floor of your home (including basements) ✔️ Test all smoke alarms once a month ✔️ Change the batteries at least once a year ✔️ Replace alarms after 10 years according to manufacturer's instructions For more information please visit nfpa.org/fpw. EPI thanks you for doing your part in keeping our communities safe.
EPI: More Than Just a Company

EPI: More Than Just a Company

More than just a company, EPI is a family. We work hard to make EPI the best place to work in the life safety industry. EPI is always recruiting, training and developing skilled technicians and office personnel for the long term. EPI employees work together to provide the best service possible to our customers. We just had our annual friends and family barbeque (pictured). It was a great day of food and fun for all. We never forget that it’s our employees that have made #EPITurns30 possible.
Four Components of a Building’s Life Safety System

Four Components of a Building’s Life Safety System

It takes a team effort to provide complete protection of a building’s inhabitants and property. Detection, suppression and illumination to provide safe exits are all covered through one of these four life safety systems. Fire Alarm Systems: triggered by heat, smoke or a good samaritan activating an alarm. Occupants can be warned and the fire department dispatched.Sprinklers: 97% of fires are put out by just one sprinkler head. Sprinklers extinguish fires saving property and lives.Extinguishers: An extinguisher gives occupants the chance to put out a fire themselves. There should always be an extinguisher nearby.Emergency Lighting: Even in a power outage, emergency lighting ensures that you can always find your way out. Don’t wait for an emergency to find out if any of these four components are working properly. Buildings require regular inspection and testing to meet local standards. EPI Fire Protection Inc. has been helping upkeep the life safety systems at every type of building across the GTA for 30 years.
EPI Celebrates Canada Day

EPI Celebrates Canada Day

EPI is proud to be a Canadian-owned company. We've been servicing the Greater Toronto Area for 30 years in the greatest country in the world. We employ great people from all backgrounds and walks of life, being a microcosm of Canada’s great multicultural mosaic. We are gratified to do our small part in keeping Canadian lives and property safe through the professional life safety systems maintenance duties we perform day-in and day-out. We service the communities we live in through maintaining the life safety systems in our shared spaces such as hockey arenas and libraries, apartments and condominiums, our schools, places of higher learning, Long Term Care Centres and more. EPI is immersed in the community, seeing first-hand what a great country we live in everyday. Happy 153rd Birthday to Canada and Happy Canada Day to all! Photo from the EPI picnic in July, 2019.
How EPI Helps Reduce Costs with On-Site Training

How EPI Helps Reduce Costs with On-Site Training

The maintenance and upkeep of any building is not a simple or inexpensive undertaking.  Budgets can be tight and costs need to be controlled. EPI Fire Protection Inc. strives to help ensure that every dollar in your life safety budget is well spent.  Reducing unnecessary costs is something within every property or facility manager’s control that helps to ensure that every dollar in their life safety budget is put towards what matters the most: Ensuring the life safety systems of a building are in working order, protecting people and property at all times. EPI moves beyond the client-vendor paradigm by partnering with clients in an advisory role. One of the main value-added initiatives that EPI offers its customers is conducting training sessions for all facility maintenance personnel on-site. A senior technician or management representative will go over what site personnel need to know about their building’s life safety systems.   This on-site training session results in the sharp reduction of placing unnecessary and potentially expensive service requests, empowering maintenance staff to complete important functions on their own, such as:   Conducting weekly fire pump testing;Resetting fire panels when appropriate; Filling out the log book properly; Determining when an issue on the system is urgent or if it can be attended to the next day  Educating, engaging and putting site personnel to work on life safety system maintenance pays dividends in the long run.  Providing training to your team members on-site is an important tool that EPI uses to help customers maintain their building’s life safety systems in the most cost-effective and collaborative way possible. 
EPI: 24/7/365 Always On Call

EPI: 24/7/365 Always On Call

Sprinkler Pipes burst. Fire Alarm Devices activate. Trouble signals on the Fire Alarm Panel. An event compromising a building's life safety systems can happen at any time.   EPI Fire Protection Inc is always ready to respond providing 24/7/365 on-demand service.  EPI customers sleep easy knowing that multiple experienced, licensed CFAA Fire Alarm Technicians and 427A Sprinkler Fitters are standing by ready to be dispatched on a moment's notice.  EPI Customers know that they can always instantly connect with a live agent to place a call no matter the time of day. Locked and Loaded: EPI’s fleet of service vehicles are stocked with all of the common parts needed to fix most issues they face.  This means getting more issues resolved on the spot with fewer return visits needed. The Clock is Ticking: EPI’s service vehicles are GPS-equipped, which enables real-time tracking.  This ensures the closest vehicle nearby is always easily identified and that accurate estimated arrival times can always be provided.  Rain, Shine, Sleet or Snow, EPI technicians are always on standby, ready to minimize disruption and maximize protection.  Reliability: One of the key ingredients that’s made #EpiTurns30 possible.
How EPI Delivers the Highest Quality Services

How EPI Delivers the Highest Quality Services

Delivering high-quality life safety systems maintenance services takes more than just dispatching technicians to buildings to test or repair life safety equipment.Training, supervision, and oversight are some of the important aspects of a robust quality control program needed to ensure the continued delivery of high-quality service.Here are a few key indicators to use in determining the quality of a life safety systems maintenance company:➤ The length of time it takes to receive the reports after the conclusion of an inspection➤ If requirements are separated from recommendations on repair work that is quoted➤ How long it takes for a technician to arrive on location when an on-demand service request is placed➤ How long it takes to receive an update on the status of work being done➤ The difficulty in reaching someone knowledgeable who is capable of answering questions such as the status of an ongoing job or the specifics of an inspection report or quotationIf you can't measure it, you can't manage it… EPI is able to consistently deliver high-quality service because of the emphasis it places on tracking the service it delivers in the field.Among these are:✅ Average length of time it takes field technicians to submit inspection reports;✅ All quoting goes through a rigorous process that culminates in management sign-off; ✅ EPI vehicles have GPS tracking which provides the ability to update customers on estimated times of arrival in real time as well as track how long it takes to respond to service requests on averageEPI Fire Protection strives to go beyond the typical customer/vendor relationship by acting as a trusted industry advisor and partner, assisting with all of a building‘s life safety systems maintenance related needs.#EPITurns30 is not something that would have been possible without ensuring that the needs of customers' life safety systems are taken care of...
Stay Out of Trouble with EPI

Stay Out of Trouble with EPI

Compliance = Not Optional!  Loss of life and property aren’t the only detrimental effects of not properly maintaining a building’s life safety systems.   Not keeping a building in full compliance with the Ontario Fire Code and any other local municipal regulations can be costly. Individuals can face fines of up to $50,000 and face a year in prison!  A corporation can be hit with fines of up to $100,000.00.  The City of Toronto’s Fire Department alone has a team of full time inspectors who conduct over 8,000 inspections every year and issue hundreds of Notice of Violations orders.  Stay out of trouble and off the Fire Department’s radar by ensuring all life safety systems are being maintained as required. Ensuring the life safety systems are being maintained properly is among the most important responsibilities that a building owner or manager has. Don’t wait for a steep fine resulting from an unannounced visit from a Fire Department inspector to make this point for you. For 30 years EPI has been working with building owners and property managers to make sure that their life safety systems comply with the Ontario Fire Code and local regulations. Helping customers who have been issued a Notice of Violation is like fixing your car at the side of the road.  Far from ideal circumstances.  Regular inspections, repairs and maintenance will prevent property managers/owners from having to deal with the stressful and potentially very expensive damage a formal Notice of Violation brings. Preventative measures are always the way to go.  Helping property managers and building owners properly upkeep their life safety systems and therefore stay out of the crosshairs of authorities is something EPI has been doing for decades. 
Living and Working in the Community

Living and Working in the Community

Our technicians live in the communities they work. EPI Fire Protection Inc. is a locally owned and operated business made up of a diverse workforce from different backgrounds, ages, genders, experiences and skill sets. The hardworking individuals that make up our workforce is representative of the diverse, multicultural local communities we live in. Our workplace culture embraces diversity and teamwork within our group of licensed life-safety maintenance professionals. Our company culture prioritizes equity, diversity and inclusion: Key ingredients in being able to develop and maintain the quality, skilled workforce that performs high quality work in the field, day in and day out. Taking pride in working in the communities that we all eat, sleep, learn and play in fosters the type of company loyalty and employment longevity that has made #EPITurns30 possible.
Essential Work Goes on for EPI Technicians

Essential Work Goes on for EPI Technicians

Lockdown in Ontario?? Not for EPI technicians! Their essential work must go on. Despite taking all possible precautions, such as daily screening and wearing extensive protective gear, EPI technicians are continuing the inspecting, repairing and overall upkeep of life safety systems day-in and day-out.  COVID-19 is not concerned if a fire alarm or sprinkler system needs to be repaired. Life safety systems are required to be maintained at all times in order to prevent property damage and loss of life.  Whether it is through testing or responding to on-demand emergency service requests such as repairing a leak in part of a sprinkler system, or replacing a damaged manual station, this work cannot cease.  EPI customers take comfort knowing that licensed, experienced technicians are just one call away ready to be deployed to tackle whatever issue arises. Having a competent, responsive service provider is an essential tool to ensure the protection of a building's life safety systems.  Whether it is a stay at home order, grey zone, red zone, or business-as-usual, EPI Fire Protection’s team of experienced, licensed CFAA Fire Alarm Technicians and Red Seal Sprinkler Fitters put themselves in harm’s way so that everyone else stays safe. 
Meet Nikfar Elahi: Master Sprinkler Fitter

Meet Nikfar Elahi: Master Sprinkler Fitter

It can take just one sprinkler head to prevent the destruction of a family's home and to avert the loss of human lives. In order for this protection to be possible, the fire sprinkler systems to which each sprinkler head is connected require regular maintenance to operate properly. Performing the maintenance and repair work to upkeep these crucial life safety systems relies on the knowledge and experience of industry veterans such as Nikfar Elahi, a longtime red seal sprinkler fitter with EPI Fire Protection Inc. With over 30 years of field experience in maintaining fire sprinkler systems, Nikfar has mastered the testing and repair of all components of these life safety systems including the wet, dry, preaction, deluge, fire pump, jockey pump, backflow and more. Day in and day out Nikfar can be found either conducting inspections, troubleshooting, doing repair work or whatever is necessary to ensure these systems are operating as required. While Nikfar is modest about his skills, he is generous with his knowledge, sharing what he knows with younger sprinkler fitter apprentices who will have to dedicate many years in the field in order to become a licensed sprinkler fitter like himself. One of the most important things for Nikfar in this line of work is his level of commitment to taking every job seriously. People’s lives are at stake, and at EPI Fire Protection Inc. he is empowered with the tools, equipment and office/management support to do the high-quality professional work he does on sprinkler systems daily in buildings across the Greater Toronto Area. EPI Fire Protection could not keep the sprinkler systems operating properly at the hundreds of buildings it provides maintenance services for without experienced fitters like Nikfar. He is a dedicated professional and a true team player that is on the front line...
Meet Joy Arevin: Fast-Moving EPI Technician

Meet Joy Arevin: Fast-Moving EPI Technician

Meet Joy Arevin who is a fast-moving, versatile technician with EPI who has learned the business inside-out in the 3 years he’s been with the company.  A graduate of the Fire Protection Engineering Technology program at Seneca College, Joy started off at EPI as a junior technician where he learned how to work with all the main types of fire panels in the industry. In this role he was also able to quickly move between different systems such as sprinklers, fire alarms, pre-action and special suppression systems.  Joy accumulated knowledge the old-fashioned way, working day in and day out in the field assisting with and eventually leading the conducting of inspections and repairs of life safety systems. Joy earned his CFAA license during this period and as a result of his great performance in the field, has recently advanced to the projects department, where he participates in fire panel installations and replacements as well as troubleshooting programming-related issues.  However, all the training in the world cannot change the fact that this job is not always an easy one. Being on the road 24-7, and navigating the challenges of COVID over the past year are just a few things that make EPI technicians front-line workers against the threats that fires pose to our communities.  For Joy, the best part of the job is “working in a team-driven environment where everybody works together to get the job done.” He highlights that solid communication with management and the professional growth opportunities are what makes EPI an extraordinary place to work.  EPI prioritizes investing in the development of professional and competent technicians like Joy. Fostering a culture of training and mentorship between junior and senior technicians is the key to maintaining a high quality, talented pool of skilled technicians to deploy to keep property...
EPI Invests in Homegrown Talent

EPI Invests in Homegrown Talent

What is the secret to lasting 30 years in the life safety systems maintenance business? Developing a great team of skilled, professional CFAA Fire Alarm Technicians and Sprinkler Fitters. Great technicians are not born, they are made. EPI invests in the development of homegrown local talent, recruiting young people looking to get into a great trade or who have already begun taking some of the courses required to become licensed. EPI invests in the development and funding of new technicians helping guide them along the path to becoming great licensed technicians. Our front line technicians are the key to providing great service to our customers. Prioritizing the cultivation of the next generation of skilled licensed technicians is the key to being able to provide excellent service for the decades ahead. As we approach the 30th year since incorporation this November, we will be featuring some of these technicians, highlighting their journey from their first days in field.
EPI Technicians: Among your unsung COVID heroes

EPI Technicians: Among your unsung COVID heroes

COVID-19 doesn’t care that inspections, service and repairs need to be done to ensure properly functioning fire alarms and sprinkler systems. EPI Fire Protections front-line technicians in the field are among the unsung heroes of the ongoing public health emergency. Right from the outset, these certified, licensed professionals put themselves, and as a result their loved ones they live with, on the line day-in and day-out continuing to perform their essential duties when so many are working from the safety of our own homes. Whether it was entering a 400-unit condo, your local elementary school or hockey arena, EPI’s technicians continue on, regardless of the day’s COVID-19 case counts. Despite taking every precaution possible, these hard-working professionals continue to take the inherent risk of performing the essential field work needed to ensure the proper functioning of the life safety systems needed to protect property and lives. EPI Technicians: Among your unsung COVID heroes.
EPI Launches the #EPITurns30 Campaign

EPI Launches the #EPITurns30 Campaign

EPI Fire Protection Inc. is turning 30. Leading up to our big milestone birthday, we're going to be sharing stories from our frontlines and inviting you to meet the people that work hard day in and day out to keep countless properties & lives safe. We are a locally-owned and operated small business, working in the Greater Toronto Area since 1991. EPI is made up of people from the community, servicing the community. The GTA has grown, and EPI has grown with it. The challenges of COVID-19 haven’t stopped us from providing the essential life-saving services that are needed to keep our community safe. Follow us on LinkedIn to stay updated on this initiative.
Emery Village Voice: Heightening security and service at EPI

Emery Village Voice: Heightening security and service at EPI

A change in management and a growth focus and EPI Fire Protection & Security has gone from a small security service provider to a major security force in the Emery area. "We have had some significant growth over the last two and a half year," said General Manager Jonathan Zafrani. "We had nine people working here, experienced a changeover in management, and had fast growth." The team just added their 50th person... Sean Delaney Emery Village Voice
Sprinkler Heads: Standard vs Quick Response

Sprinkler Heads: Standard vs Quick Response

When choosing a fire sprinkler to safeguard your property, it is important to know the various types of sprinkler heads available as they will impact the quality of your building’s fire protection plan. The two most commonly used heads are standard and quick response. While both have the common goal of extinguishing fires and protecting those in danger, each type is designed to combat specific types of hazard. Standard Response Fire Sprinkler Heads Standard Response (SR) fire sprinkler heads are found in large and spacious commercial or industrial buildings such as warehouses and factories. SR heads wet and cool the areas surrounding a fire, thereby removing its fuel source and preventing its flames from spreading. This ultimately slow downs the fire as much as possible before the fire department arrives. READ: SPRINKLER SYSTEMS ARE THE BEST WAY TO COMBAT FIRE SR heads are individually activated, which means that they will only become active if a fire starts directly below them. Quick Response Fire Sprinkler Heads Quick Response (QR) fire sprinkler heads are most commonly used in light hazard situations such as office buildings, assisted living facilities or schools. While they have the same fire-control capabilities as a standard head, they discharge water higher up on the ceiling and walls in order to stop the fire from rising. This also helps maintain lower ceiling temperatures and gives more time for the building’s occupants to safely evacuate.
Ten Helpful Tips to Prepare Your Business for a Fire Inspection

Ten Helpful Tips to Prepare Your Business for a Fire Inspection

All business owners in the province of Ontario are required to conduct fire inspections in their places of work in order to keep their staff, customers and places of business safe from fire. Here are some crucial pointers that promote proper fire safety maintenance. Following these ten helpful tips will make the next visit by the fire department a much more pleasant one! 1. Keep your fire extinguisher visible and fully charged. Fire extinguishers should always be clearly visible, easy to access and fully charged in case there’s a fire. Extinguishers must also be serviced annually by a skilled technician, and inspected monthly. 2. Make sure your sprinkler systems are maintained. You’ll also want to confirm that all parts of your sprinkler system are fully operational, that your sprinkler heads are not damaged and that there is at least 450 mm (18”) clearance below the sprinkler heads. 3. Test your smoke alarms every year. Make sure you also change the batteries in the smoke alarms at least once a year (most people do it with the change to Daylight Savings Time). 4. Have your life safety systems inspected each year by CFAA-licensed technicians.  Help this cause by ensuring that no devices connected to the fire alarm system are obstructed. EPI Fire Protection Inc. is proud to be a member of @CASAFS, @CFAA_SociaMedia AND the @NFPA_FSI! pic.twitter.com/hnCj8BS3LM — EPI Fire Protection (@EPI_FPS) May 8, 2018 5. Make sure your exit signage is clearly visible and fully illuminated. As for your exit doors, confirm that the locks are fully functional, that they do not require any special codes to exit and that exit passageways are completely clear. 6. Avoid electrical hazards! Ensure that you don’t overload your circuits and that electrical solutions like power bars or electrical cords are not used simultaneously. 7. Keep your storage rooms bare and organized...
Sprinkler Systems Are the Best Way to Combat Fire

Sprinkler Systems Are the Best Way to Combat Fire

Canada currently has one of the worst fire loss records in the industrialized world, with some experts estimating the cost of fire at a whopping $11 billion annually. In addition to being very costly, fire is obviously also dangerous and has insurmountable effects on people’s lives. That’s why, as part of its mandate, the Canadian Automatic Sprinkler Association (CASA) works towards lessening the impact of fire through various initiatives. Firstly, because most Canadians tragically die from fires that occur in their own homes, CASA has developed a National Public Awareness Campaign that promotes fire safety and prioritizes the importance of useful tools such as sprinkler systems. We are proud to become the 41st member in #Ontario of the Canadian Automatic Sprinkler Association, an exclusive club whose history dates back to the 1920s! @CASAFS #sprinklers #onpoli #bignewshttps://t.co/dOQwbLVB8M — EPI Fire Protection (@EPI_FPS) April 8, 2018 It also works toward stymying the high costs of fire through the usage of modern fire sprinkler technology. Fire sprinkler systems provide a level of protection that simply no other form of fire safety can provide. For all industrial, recreational and commercial buildings and homes, the installation of fire sprinkler systems is by far the most effective way not to fall prey to the high cost of fire – and its potentially deadly and life-altering consequences. Because sprinklers respond to fires while they are still small, they are able to control the spread of the deadly heat, flames and toxic smoke. Deluge #sprinklersystems are used in high hazard areas (power plants, chemical storage, etc.) so when the system is activated, water immediately discharges through all of its sprinkler heads... and prevents outcomes like this. pic.twitter.com/8HSwSLYKpL — EPI Fire Protection (@EPI_FPS) January 11, 2018 CASA also implements other ways in which it supports its mandate of reducing...
EPI Fire Protection Inc. Joins Canadian Automatic Sprinkler Association

EPI Fire Protection Inc. Joins Canadian Automatic Sprinkler Association

EPI Fire Protection Inc. is proud to announce that it has officially joined the Canadian Automatic Sprinkler Association (CASA), a community of sprinkler professionals that work closely with fire and building officials, architects and others.  EPI Fire Protection is the 41st member in Ontario of this exclusive club whose history dates back to the 1920s. CASA’s membership is recognized by construction trade and approval authorities as Canada’s preeminent experts in the field of fire sprinklers.  Big news! EPI Fire Protection Inc. if OFFICIALLY a member of the Canadian Automatic Sprinkler Association! @CASAFS pic.twitter.com/iYCj0cKhBK — EPI Fire Protection (@EPI_FPS) April 6, 2018 For decades, CASA has served as one of Canada’s most important organizations contributing to the field of fire safety. As a National Trade Contractors Association, it promotes, defends, enhances the business of designing, installing and manufacturing of fire sprinkler devices and systems.  As a member of CASA, EPI will have the opportunity to offer its input on committees that help shape changes to codes and standards, as well as promote changes in Canada’s legislation, supporting CASA's mandate of enhancing “the level of life safety and property conservation from the effects of fire through the use of fire sprinklers.” CASA and its membership of industry professionals across the country partner with like-minded organizations in a bid to ensure that fire sprinklers are installed in all residential, industrial and commercial buildings and homes.
Fire Sprinkler Requirements for Retirement Homes Coming Into Effect Soon

Fire Sprinkler Requirements for Retirement Homes Coming Into Effect Soon

Time is ticking… The Ontario Fire Code requires that all retirement homes upgrade to automatic fire sprinklers by Jan. 1, 2019. Currently, approximately 20 per cent of Ontario retirement homes – 150 out of 730 licensed homes – do not have full automatic sprinkler systems. With this new regulation implementation deadline fast approaching, the provincial government is offering to help! The Ontario government has pledged $20 million in funding to help alleviate this financially-burdensome new requirement for smaller and rural retirement homes.  A small retirement home is defined as having 49 or less suites.  A rural retirement home is considered to be located in a municipality with less than 100,000 residents. Reminder! All small and rural Ontario #retirement homes with under 49 beds are eligible for government funding to install sprinkler systems before new fire code rules come into effect on Jan. 1. #cdnpoli #onpoli #firesafetyhttps://t.co/L1d8mvCBsa — EPI Fire Protection (@EPI_FPS) March 29, 2018 Don’t delay. The deadline to take advantage of this program are fast approaching: Timelines: Application for this funding must be submitted by June 1, 2018. Retrofit work must be complete by Dec. 31, 2018. For more information, please read the Program Guidelines for the Fire Sprinkler Retrofit Program For Licensed Small or Rural Retirement Homes; if you’re in need of a free sprinkler system installation quotation, call EPI Fire Protection Inc. at (416) 746-2225. P.S. If you’re in the retirement home industry and plan on attending Together We Care 2018, Canada’s largest gathering of long-term care and retirement home professionals, make sure to drop by the EPI Fire Protection Inc. booth (#740)  and say hello! We will be offering more information on this important government initiative.
EPI Fire Protection Inc. To Take Part in Together We Care 2018

EPI Fire Protection Inc. To Take Part in Together We Care 2018

EPI Fire Protection Inc. is proud to announce its participation in Together We Care 2018, taking place at the Toronto Congress Centre from April 9 to April 11, 2018. Together We Care is Canada’s largest gathering of long-term care and retirement home professionals. This year’s event “promises to be better than ever with exceptional keynote speakers and a broad range of education sessions designed to both challenge and inform delegates.” As a premiere provider of fire alarm and sprinkler services to several retirement homes and seniors residences across the Greater Toronto Area, EPI looks forward to creating new partnerships, meeting new people, and seeing some familiar faces at TWC 2018. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B7z34NmRNPY If you’re a property manager in the GTA planning to attend this year’s event, reach out to us at (416) 746-2225 or find our insignia at the Toronto Congress Centre. See you in April!
Everything You Need to Know About Fire Extinguishers

Everything You Need to Know About Fire Extinguishers

What does a property or facility manager need to know about extinguishers?  A few quick facts: Extinguishers that have not been discharged and are in otherwise good condition need to be serviced every six years. A hydrostatic test and a six-year maintenance is required every 12 years. Extinguishers made before 1982 are obsolete and do not pass code requirements. While many Canadians know how to operate a fire extinguisher, there are still an overwhelming number of people who’ve never learned. One helpful tool to follow is the P-A-S-S method: Pull the pin in the handle Aim the nozzle at the centre of the fire Squeeze the lever carefully and slowly Sweep from side to side at the base of the fire To use a fire extinguisher, stand 1.8 meters (6 feet) away from the fire for your safety. Follow the P-A-S-S technique. → iOS https://t.co/DQPNqrGH9e → Android https://t.co/CovRYfZF9Z P - Pull the pin. pic.twitter.com/Xtynfufk7z — Emergency Survival (@prep_guide) January 13, 2018 Fire extinguishers are a necessary part of proper fire safety, and are mandatory in every building across Ontario. To know what type of fire extinguisher your building requires, it’s important to know what options are available and what types of fire extinguishers there are. Types of Fire Extinguishers Fire extinguishers are categorized by class, and vary depending on the size and nature of the fire. Class A: Used for fires started by ordinary combustible items like paper, wood, trash, plastic, fabrics, etc. Class B: Used for flammable liquids and glasses like gasoline, petroleum oil, diesel, etc. Class C: Used for gaseous fires like propane or butane. Class D: Specialized extinguisher used for fires involving combustible metals like sodium, magnesium or potassium. Class F: Also a specialized extinguisher, this one used for fires involving cooking oils and/or deep fat fryers....
The Benefits of Smoke Alarms

The Benefits of Smoke Alarms

Canadians knows the importance of fire safety and why it is absolutely necessary to install smoke or fire alarms in any residential home or commercial property. In Ontario, it’s been the law since 2006. Unlike other decisions in life, installing smoke alarms is a no-brainer given all the pros and none of the cons. But there are other important things to know about these alarms as well. Interconnection. In a multi-floor dwelling it is preferable to have interconnected smoke alarms.  When one Interconnected alarm activates, all the smoke alarms connected will activate.  This interconnection allows all the occupants of a building to be immediately warned of the threat and providing crucial extra time to leave an area with a fire, time that could save lives. Did you know that three out of five home fire deaths result from fires in properties without working smoke alarms?! Spread the word that interconnected smoke alarms are best for protection. #FireSafetyTips #SmokeAlarms pic.twitter.com/bfgmPjByP4 — US Fire Marshals (@NAofSFM) January 31, 2018 Sleep Easier. Smoke alarms notify occupants of a residence in the event of a fire.  This is perhaps most useful when fires take place at night while residents are sleeping and most vulnerable. The More the Merrier. Smart property and homeowners have numerous alarms. Placing them in the kitchen and bedrooms is crucial.  For optimal protection there should be a working alarm in every bedroom as well as on each floor. It is crucial to check the batteries regularly in a smoke alarm.  A good time to test a smoke alarm's battery is when clocks are being changed for daylights savings time. EPI offers a variety of fire or smoke alarms to our clients. To request a quote, call us at (416) 746-2225.
Winter isn’t over yet. Follow these DIY tips to prevent your pipes from freezing

Winter isn’t over yet. Follow these DIY tips to prevent your pipes from freezing

We’ve all been enjoying a break from the extreme cold with some mild January weather but despite our hopes for an early Spring, we’re unfortunately due for a particularly “brutal” February and even March in the Greater Toronto Area. February expected to be brutal for winter weather in #Toronto https://t.co/zcK5LI1HGi pic.twitter.com/hV6ugU8ZoJ — blogTO (@blogTO) January 24, 2018 As such, we advise property managers and owners alike to stay up-to-date on all your routine winter maintenance to reduce the chances of sprinkler pipes freezing or cracking. Repairing cracked sprinkler pipes can be costly especially if it is an after-hours situation. But if you follow these Do-It-Yourself tips, you’ll be able to reduce if not avoid any unfortunate surprises in the upcoming weeks. Insulate your pipes. Whenever cold air blows on a pipe, there’s the potential for them to freeze, so make sure your pipes are well-insulated. Be sure to check them for any holes or cracks as even the tiniest hole can let cold air blow in.  Adding insulation around pipes, particularly ones in unheated areas (as those are more prone to freezing) is a smart idea. Make sure you are maintaining a constant heating source wherever wet sprinkler piping is specifically placed to guard against water freezing in pipes in subzero temperature Drain drum drips weekly. This will prevent excess water from remaining in your pipes. Excess water in pipes can lead to cracked pipes, which requires expensive repairs. For other ways to winterize your property, click here or call us at EPI Fire Protection Inc. with any questions you may have at (416) 746-2225.
Use These Carbon Monoxide Safety Tips to Protect Your Occupants

Use These Carbon Monoxide Safety Tips to Protect Your Occupants

In late 2014, the municipal government of Ontario passed legislation requiring the installation of carbon monoxide alarms across the province. The alarms monitor airborne concentration levels of carbon monoxide, a deadly gas known as “the silent killer” since it is odourless, colourless, and tasteless. The new regulation is an update to the Ontario Fire Code, and an effort to ensure the safety and security of Ontario residents. Prior to its passing, more than 50 people a year died as a result of carbon monoxide poisoning in Canada, including 11 on average in Ontario. The Carbon monoxide detectors woke our family up this morning Turns out our furnace’s heat exchanger cracked & we will need a new furnace Thk goodness we had working CO detectors to alert us & nobody got hurt or ill. Can’t emphasize enough to install them in your house #SaveLives pic.twitter.com/pfhKyjPyT4 — Dave Rydzik (@TPSRydzik) January 22, 2018 Since only homes and residential buildings constructed after 2001 were required to have carbon monoxide alarms, many in the province still do not have them installed. This can pose a dangerous risk for residents, particularly if they have a home furnace, decorative fireplace, wood stove, gas/charcoal barbecue, hot water heater, or any type of fuel-burning appliance. Chimneys that have not been serviced and maintained by a proper technician also pose a potential risk. To promote the best practices of carbon monoxide safety, property owners and managers should employ the following tips: During or after a snowstorm, make sure to remove snow or ice from any dryer, furnace, stove or fuel-burning appliance vent. Make sure to test your CO alarms at least once a month. Make sure to annually inspect and clean your furnaces, chimneys, fireplaces, and fuel-burning appliances. Get to a fresh air location immediately if the CO alarm...
Why is Fire Alarm Monitoring Important?

Why is Fire Alarm Monitoring Important?

Is it absolutely necessary to use monitoring services if a building already has fire alarm and sprinkler systems installed? Yes. It is crucial to understand that fire alarm systems do not notify the Fire Department or police. Fire alarm systems are designed to immediately notify building occupants in the event of a fire so they are able to evacuate as quickly as possible. Sprinkler systems are in place to extinguish fires.  However, if a building is not monitored, then neither a building’s owner/manager nor the fire department will be notified.  This can be especially problematic in the event that a fire takes place outside of business hours (during the middle of the night, for example). Because there are several life safety systems that need to be installed, tested, repaired and maintained in a building, it is vital that a building have ULC-standard monitoring. It also ensures the safety, security and well-being of a building's residents, as well as protecting the property itself. In Ontario, there are many types of buildings that are required to have fire alarm monitoring systems installed by law, including any Group A occupancy with an occupant load of more than 300, any Group B occupancy, Group F, Division 1 occupancy, and others. For a full list of buildings, click here. EPI offers fire alarm monitoring systems for all commercial, residential and industrial buildings across the Greater Toronto Area. To request a quote, visit epi-fps.ca today or call us at (416) 746-2225.
Did you know? Sprinkler fitters must be licensed in Ontario now

Did you know? Sprinkler fitters must be licensed in Ontario now

Last year, the Ontario College of Trades made it mandatory that anyone who installs, services, or performs fire alarm and/or sprinkler systems must be certified as a member. Formerly considered a voluntary trade, the College deemed that the installation of sprinkler and fire protection systems must be a compulsory one, where registration as an apprentice or journeyperson candidate, or certification as a journeyperson, is mandatory. The decision has mostly positive benefits for property owners in Ontario, as it ensures that those who install the various forms of fire alarm and protection systems possess the necessary skills to do so. @CollegeofTrades has released clarification on what work is compulsory C of Q Sprinkler Fitter work in Ontario https://t.co/Syt026qmou— C.A.S.A. (@CASAFS) April 7, 2017 This industry changing event will not affect EPI Fire Protection inc as all sprinkler technicians are certified by the College. We will continue to install all forms of fire alarm and sprinkler systems for businesses and residential homes, including wet and dry sprinkler systems. Whether it’s fire alarm, sprinkler, or security systems or monitoring services, EPI offers fast and reliable service – at an affordable price. Our team of expert certified technicians and fleet of reliable service vehicles are available to you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Visit epi-fps.ca to request a quote, or call us at (416) 746-2225.
Wet sprinkler systems vs. Dry sprinkler systems. What’s the Difference?

Wet sprinkler systems vs. Dry sprinkler systems. What’s the Difference?

The Ontario Building Code requires that every new building more than three stories tall require a sprinkler system. There are four types of sprinkler systems: wet, dry, pre-action and deluge. We are going to focus on the more commonly used systems, wet and dry. With a wet sprinkler system, the piping connecting the system’s sprinklers are filled with water. If there was a fire, the sprinklers would activate, and water would immediately come out of the sprinkler heads. Wet sprinkler systems are easier and cheaper to install and maintain. Wet Systems are much more commonly-used than dry systems, especially with households and small businesses. It is the most reliable type of sprinkler system and easy to modify. Ever wonder what the difference between a wet sprinkler system and a dry sprinkler system is? #TheMoreYouKnow https://t.co/4vl5Qt7pO8— EPI Fire Protection (@EPI_FPS) January 9, 2018 A dry sprinkler system is only used in environments exposed to sub-zero temperatures such as parking garages or walk-in refrigerators. Because the water in a wet sprinkler system would freeze and cause extensive damage to the pipes, a dry sprinkler system uses nitrogen or pressurized air, which holds back the water in a pipe valve. When the system is activated, the air pressure drops and the water is released into the system and through the sprinklers. Because dry sprinkler systems are designed for more complex settings, they are much more costly and difficult to maintain. It also takes a bit longer for the water to be released since it has to travel from the valve through the piping and sprinklers. Of course, EPI Fire Protection Inc. has a team of experienced and licensed personnel capable of maintaining all types of sprinkler systems. Visit epi-fps.ca to request a quote, or call us at (416) 746-2225.
EPI Fire Protection & Security Has Gone Digital!!

EPI Fire Protection & Security Has Gone Digital!!

We at EPI Fire Protection Inc. are very excited to announce the launch of our brand-new blogging section on our newly redesigned website.  Epi-fps.ca is the best place to get the information needed to stay updated on the latest life-safety industry trends.  Check in for the latest regulations, code requirements, hardware recommendations, and everything in between. We’ll also be sharing helpful tips on our Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn pages.   Now that we're saving an hour, here's a reminder to change your batteries & check your smoke alarms & carbon detectors! #DaylightSavingsTime pic.twitter.com/O8cYxkgjoZ — EPI Fire Protection (@EPI_FPS) November 5, 2017 Since 1991, EPI Fire Protection Inc. has been a proudly Canadian owned and operated company offering quality fire alarm, sprinkler and security services at competitive pricing to clients across the Greater Toronto Area, a proud tradition we continue to this day. Because we understand the importance of providing a quick response, our team of licensed and experienced technicians in our fleet of reliable service vehicles are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. There is no job too big or too small, no question too simple or too complicated when it comes to life safety systems.  Let us be your partner in keeping people and property safe. To inquire about any of our services or request a quote, please visit our website, or call (416) 746-2225. We look forward to speaking with you soon – whether on the phone, email or through our website. Sincerely, The EPI Fire Protection Inc. Team
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